Tuesday, March 26, 2019

When You Should Replace Your Locks

Anyone who lives in an older house should certainly be concerned about their safety and security. Chances are that the locks on an older home haven’t been changed since they were first installed. This can be serious problem for the next homeowners, as older locks are not as effective. This is because after some time, locks simply are not as efficient as they used to be. Natural wear and tear will occur over time. This is why at Carlton’s Locksmith in Redan, GA, we highly recommend that anyone who lives in an older house have new locks installed as soon as possible. Newer locks will be more durable than any existing locks that you may have. Unfortunately, many people don’t even consider having locks changed until they have experienced a break-in. Don’t wait for this to happen to you before you take action. You’re probably wondering when it is necessary to change your locks. Here are some reasons that our locksmiths suggest that you have your locks changed.

Outdated Locks – Again, when you live in an older home or are about to move into an older home that has its original locks on the doors, have them replaced before moving in. They likely have a lot of wear and tear, which a burglar is sure to find most effective in breaking into your home. There are some that don’t even lock correctly but it may go unnoticed. Check the locks of your doors to ensure that they are not rusted out and that the locking mechanism is actually working to keep the door safely locked. If you want to keep your home safe and protect your loved ones, have the locks changed as quickly as possible.

Lost Keys – If you can’t find your keys or you have lost them, you are now susceptible to the possibility of an intrusion. You should always feel safe within your home. If you don’t then it’s time that you do something about it, such as contact a locksmith who has the ability to handle the problem for you. In some cases, you may not have lost your keys; they could have been stolen from you. Regardless of why you can’t find your keys, it is certainly in your best interest to make sure that you get a new key to protect the interest of you and your household. If you can’t immediately pick up your keys, this is a problem. Call a locksmith to have your exterior locks changed right away.